Learn about Lung Cancer

What is lung cancer?

“Lung cancer” is not a single disease; rather, there are different types of lung cancer depending on what part of the lungs the cancer first started.1,2 Importantly, these different types of lung cancer may behave differently from each other, and this may impact how you and your doctor may want to treat the cancer. For example, knowing your lung cancer type might help determine your outlook (or your prognosis) as some lung cancers grow much more quickly than others and may be more likely to spread to distant parts of the body (metastasize).3 And knowing your lung cancer type can help determine the best treatment options, as different types of lung cancer may respond better to certain treatments.3

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Healthcare providers often group lung cancers into 3 major types1:

  • small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
  • non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
  • other (more uncommon)

You can learn more about each group below.

In addition to where the lung cancer came from, healthcare providers might also classify lung cancers by the type of genetic mutations they may have. These “biological markers,” or “biomarkers” can provide additional information to healthcare providers to better predict a patient’s outcome and their response to different treatments. 

Browse the sections below to learn more about lung cancer:

Patient resources

Additional patient resources

Caregiver resources

  1. Types of Lung Cancer. American Lung Association. Updated September 17, 2024. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/lung-cancer/basics/lung-cancer-types
  2. About Lung Cancer: Types of lung cancer. Canadian Lung Association. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.lung.ca/lung-health/lung-diseases/lung-cancer/about-lung-cancer-types-lung-cancer
  3. What Are the Types of Lung Cancer Treatment? American Lung Association. Updated September 26, 2024. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/lung-cancer/treatment/types-of-treatment
  4. What Is Lung Cancer? American Cancer Society. Published January 12, 2023.Updated January 29, 2024. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/lung-cancer/about/what-is.html