Risks and Prevention of Bladder Cancer

Risk factors

A risk factor refers to any factor that increases the chance of developing a disease. Bladder cancer is the result of specific changes in bladder cell function, particularly how they multiply and form new cells. Numerous risk factors have been reported for bladder cancer; however, most of them do not directly cause cancer. Instead, they increase the risk of DNA damage in cells, which may lead to bladder cancer.1

Reducing the risk of bladder cancer

Reducing the risk of bladder cancer involves implementing lifestyle changes, avoiding risk factors, and undergoing regular health screenings. Some ways to reduce the risk are2:

Lifestyle changes

Avoiding risk factors

Regular screening

Learn more about bladder cancer

  1. Bethesda. Bladder cancer treatment. PDQ Cancer Information Summaries - NCBI Bookshelf. National Cancer Institute (US). Published September 12, 2024. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK66044/#:~:text=Bladder%20Cancer%20Causes%20and%20Risk,do%20not%20directly%20cause%20cancer
  2. Bladder Cancer Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention. American Cancer Society. Accessed November 11, 2024. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/bladder-cancer/causes-risks-prevention.html